DnD Fest Update

What's Next at DnD Fest?

Greetings, Adventurers!

We're thrilled to share exciting updates about the upcoming adventures this fall, culminating in the grand finale of "The Chronicles of the Undying." The Raven's Labyrinth is the final chapter of our epic saga, and we can't wait for you to embark on this thrilling conclusion.

Important Reminders

Firstly, a quick reminder: player character sheets were due on June 1st. If you haven't submitted yours yet, please do so immediately. It's crucial to stay on top of communications. We've been diligent in posting all updates on the 'Latest News' section of our website. Additionally, we've shared those links on our Facebook group, Discord server, and via email. Make sure to read these communications to stay informed.

What's Next After Submission?

Now that you've submitted your character sheets, here's what you can expect:

  • June Review: Throughout June, the DMs will review your character sheets to ensure they are correctly created. They will also equip new players and fine-tune some adventures to match your submitted party.

  • Organization: We'll be organizing all party information into individual Dropbox folders and sharing them with you. This process should be completed by June 30th. Please be patient and wait for this update.

  • DM Communications: Some DMs may reach out to you with questions. Please respond promptly to help us prepare for the upcoming adventures.

  • World Updates: Starting in June, look out for posts about the happenings in our world—events since the last chapter, rumors, and more. These updates will set the stage for the fall adventures.

  • Waivers: We will be sending out a communication in the next few weeks to make sure everyone has signed their waivers. This allows us to keep the costs down a bit with insurance…believe it or not, our event insurance has tripled in price since the end of Covid and the without the wiavers, it would be even higher!


If you have any questions, there are several ways to get them answered:

  • Post them in the questions channel on our Discord server.

  • Send a note directly to your DMs.

  • Email me at dan@dndfest.com.

Stay excited, stay informed, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

Happy adventuring,



T-Shirts and Festival Mugs - Pre-Orders!
