Exciting Updates and Opportunities at DnD Fest 2024!

Dear Adventurers,

As we gear up for DnD Fest 2024, we're thrilled to share some exciting updates and opportunities with you. Here's what's new and happening:

1. Introducing Our 2024 Dungeon Master Teams!

We're delighted to announce our Dungeon Master teams for DnD Fest 2024! A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the trials and to our esteemed judges. Stay tuned for detailed profiles on the play styles of these talented DMs in the coming month. This year's lineup includes both familiar and fresh faces, promising an extraordinary gaming experience:

  • Team A: Steve Sabo, Jim Carsone, Skyler Johnson

  • Team B: Dave Kasper, Dan Becker, Alex Sturgill

  • Team C: Edward Fife, Doug Hettich, Joe Calfo

  • Team D: Nimi Becza, Alex Ford, Nic Roe

  • Team E: Cheryl Clark, John Clark, John Hartley

  • Team F: Tom Smith, Mike Slawienski, Allen Bragg

These teams are already brewing up exciting storylines for the last chapter of "The Chronicles of the Undying" titled 'The Raven's Labyrinth'. Expect an epic adventure!

2. NPC Roles Open for the Taking!

We're on the lookout for one or two more Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) to bring extra fun and immersion to this year's event. Unlike last year, NPCs will be integrated into adventures as needed and also support players between sessions in the encampment area. We're excited to welcome back Dan, Pam, Noemi, and our new addition, Mandy Bragg. We're hopeful Chris can join us too, although his participation is still TBD.

If you love role-playing, wearing costumes, and being part of the action, we want you! Contact Dan for more information on joining our NPC team.

3. Inventory Sale – Grab Your DnD Fest Merch!

Don’t miss out on our spectacular inventory sale! We've got amazing deals on DnD Fest merchandise, including dice, mugs, journals, and more. Check out the deals here: Spectacular Savings from Piker's Peddled Paraphernalia.

4. Dice Giveaway – Win a Set of Metal Dice!

Get a chance to win a set of metal dice with the exclusive 'Festival in the Forest' wooden/magnetic case. Simply 'friend' the DnD Fest profile and join our Facebook group. (You'll be surprised to know how many attendees are yet to join our FB group!)

5. Join the Conversation on Discord!

Be part of the pre-fest excitement! Join our Discord channel for discussions, sneak peeks, and connecting with fellow DnD enthusiasts.

We can't wait to see you at DnD Fest 2024 for an unforgettable adventure. Stay tuned for more updates!


Ticket Sales - 2024 DnD Fest!


Spectacular Savings from Piker's Peddled Paraphernalia!