List by Team/Party (Copy)

As of 5/21/2024. 6:00AM

The following are the names of the people who PAID already. If you have paid and your name is not in the list, then you need to get in touch with me.

  • The Teams and parties below do not indicate what is still fully open because people have requested to be with certain parties. We are still waiting for responses from people.

  • Names in parenthesis are those whose spots are still ‘held’ with their party

  • Players are allowed to shift teams and parties if that is their desire, but we try to hold people together if they choose to be held together (or not play with specific players…which is fair too!)

  • The sooner you make payment, the sooner you get your specific chair on the specific team. Being an attendee last year guarantees you a seat, not a seat in a specific party or team

Team A

A1: Amanda Bradley, Nathan Bradley, Will Comedy, Cerrah 'CJ'Hembroff , Anne Kravec, Julia Sustak (Full)

A2: Shayne Beason, Jason Cannata, Sean Cogan, Patrick Collins, Jamie Gooch, Matt Somers (Full)

A3: Chris Beason, Todd Bond, John Morgan, Tim Peterson, Dion Pomponio, Matt Starcher (Full)

Team B

B1: Jason Croysdill, Kyle Johnson, Shirley Kanserski, Madelynn Marker, Alicemarie Marquez, Chris Sisia, (Full)

B2: Tabatha Adamson, Clayton Collison, Adam Jacoby, John Saunders, Kylynn Saunders, Jeremy Sims (Full)

B3: Nolan Fulks, Matt Getz, Ben Gross, Lea Lott, Mike Lott, Ryan Tichon (Full)

Team C

C1: Chip Bodnovich, Anastasia Hermance, Dirk Hermance, Jonathan Nicolazzo, Linden Robart, Lisa Weegar, (Full)

C2: Colin Kennat, Caitlin Mocean, Sara Petras, Justin Ruggles, Katrinka Ruggles, Karly Tarase (Full)

C3: Brett Gaydos, David Phillips, Russell Weaver, Katie Willey, Ryan Willey, (Steven Willey (Full)

Team D:

D1: Gil Even, Nick Jones, Sean Patrick Kinney, Brice Sparks, Shannon Sparks Sherrisha Tilton, (Full)

D2: Josh Bowkamp, William Miller, Dina Morgan, Zac Morgan, Caroline Palma, Eli Smith (Full)

D3: Shawn Tamba, David Barton, Bernie Marker, Ashley Davies, Kiara Gerber, Kent Gerber (Full)

Team E

E1: Sharon Jacksack, Joseph Morosky, Kate Morosky, Louis Reash, Tara Roy, Jay Smith (Full)

E2: Kirk Cooper, Ray Maskow, Ron McWilliams, Justin Phillips, Caryn Wickersheim, Faye Youngkin, (Full)

E3: Megan Andexlinger, Jeff Hoyt, Eric Kreeger, Paul Kuehn, Kenneth Moore, Guy Royse (Full)

Team F:

F1: Luke Alleshouse, Kurt Bertling, Joshua Hashman, Tim Hawkins, Kristen Hunt, James Kovach (Full)

F2: Richard Dye, Matt Johnson, Logan Farrar, Roy Gass, Jonah Pasternak, Beth Riemenschneider (Full)

F3: Cogan Bishop, Connor Cline, George Cline, Mark Hallbauer, Jim Prokop (1 open seat)


Gold! Gold! GOLD!


Unfurl Your Colors: Party Banner Challenge for DnD Fest!