Meet our NPCs


Greetings Travelers!  I bid you early welcome to The Forest Inn and Tavern where we will have great merriment and hopefully will address the afflictions and other troubles that have been plaguing you.  Many of you don’t know me, but those of you that do, know me as Piker.  In addition to being your host at the Forest Inn.  My wife, Miranda, and I will be at your service and provide any answers or directions we can provide about the area.  In addition to being one of the Runda in the Kingdoms… we Runda are a type of druidic order, but we be not the typical type as you might think!  Well, in addition to me job as an Innkeeper and Runda, I also run a small shop called "Piker's Peddled Paraphernalia!" and at me lovely yellow tent, you can purchase some much-needed supplies to help you on your challenging adventures.  I have a bit of this and that, so don’t be shy about asking if I don’t be having items on me sign. In addition, I may be able to come up with a few...uhhh... less typical items if you have the need.  Now, that brings me to The Collectors of the Unsecured”.  This be a little club of sorts of like-minded and like-skilled ‘artists’ who obtain items that simply have a need elsewhere.  Some may call it a guild, but I say it is more of a ‘social club’!  If you’d like to be a member, it may take a few tests, but there are some benefits to it as well.  So, don’t be a shy one! Please look me up in the Encampment area if you wish to purchase anything or maybe if you have a desire to place a few wagers on games of chance as well! 


Miranda Twinkletoes:

Welcome, Welcome my brave travelers!  Welcome to the Forest Inn and Tavern!  My name is Miranda Twinkletoes...yes, yes, there is a long story to that one that I will be happy to tell you during your stay at our lovely little Inn. Some of you may remember me and I may have even bandaged up some of your boo boos! My husband, Piker, helps out when he isn't meddling in something or tossing dice with his friends but that's another story altogether.  I am so very happy to provide as best service as I can to help you and your companions.  I know you all traveled many leagues to get assistance from us.  I haven't traveled too much myself, but I did travel some bit when I was aiding the King's men while they were on campaign as a camp healer.  Oh, I traveled near and far during that time, but that is a story I can tell you more about over some ale.  I can supply you with aid if you need it as I have many ointments and drafts that can help with your aches, pains, and other agues. I have some herbalism and healing kits that you might want for your travels, some potions that I concocted myself, and some other special items you may have an interest in.  Like my husband, I too am a Runda, and also run the “Spirits of Life and Healing” guild that some of you might be interested in joining. So please, come by and visit me in the encampment and we can have a some of my home made 'liquid radiance'!



Welcome back Champions! It pleases me to know that so many of you are safe, although stricken with different maladies of the mind or body. I fear they may be connected somehow to your experiences here and the strange rituals that many of you encountered during the Trial. These mysteries continue. The dark obelisks which most of you saw during your adventures last year have all disappeared from the ritual sites and rumors abound as to where they may have gone. I am heartened by your courage to return to the Forest Inn and continue our quest to locate and study these objects as well as confront whatever it may be which has caused your unfortunate situations. For now, let us meet and prepare. Those of us close to the investigation have instituted cohesive groups of competent, like-minded individuals called guilds to enhance our abilities to undertake these quests. My own guild, known as the “Green Whisper”, invites any and all interested in the natural world and our survival in it. You are all free to participate in the consideration process this year consisting of a test of your skills and knowledge of hunting, navigation and the natural world




Good day, my fellow travelers!  And may your gods and goddesses shine their blessings onto you.  It is wonderful to see you all here again, although I fear the circumstances of our meeting this time appear more dire than last year!  For those of you who may not remember me, I am Draeleoch!  I am humbled and thrilled to be here among you, and look forward to getting to know and assist all of you during your adventures and even merriment.  I am a traveling scholar, professor and at heart and by trade; I travel the lands, both teaching and learning as much of the multiversal-based lore as I can find.  In fact, I even lead a rather exclusive guild for those of a more sophisticated and arcane mind, and we call ourselves the “Merry Mages of the Multiverse”.  Perhaps you've heard of us?  Or perhaps even want to join us?  Well now that you're here, you certainly have the chance!  And yes, whether you join my guild or any other of the other wonderful guilds around, I am equipped to help those of you who are more academically minded along your travels.  Be they spells on scroll, items for documenting your journeys, holy water, acid, or even a unique magical item; stop by and see me for any assistance in those areas and I shall certainly lend a hand, and perhaps a lesson or two.


Eoin Ó Cèilidh (Owen Oh-KAY-lee):

 May the winds of chance be ever at your back! I am the bard Eoin Ó Cèilidh. Come and be welcome at the Forest Inn, where my fellow druids of the Runda and I host this great celebration of the old heroes every year. The roads to adventure are long and arduous, but I hope you’ll visit my tent to share stories and song alike. I’ve got a fine selection of trinkets to aid you along on your journey, as some have helped me on mine. I can also carve you up some magical goodies if you’ve got the right materials, and joy in your heart! As you might expect, I have a great love for stories, and I may consider a discount if you offer me one I’ve not heard before.  If it is a Guild you are interested in joining, then please consider Brogann’s Guild of Mirth!  I can test your qualifications at the Pre-Festival.

With all that said, I wish you the best of luck in your travels. And remember to never give a faerie your true name! That one’s already come back to bite me before...



Good Day Adventurers! Many of you have traveled a long way to seek aid here at the Forest Inn. I too have traveled many miles seeking answers while bringing insight! My name is Lehel son of Ödön of the Ughor clan. I am a Wildlander by birth but I spent the last decade amongst the people of the New Kingdoms,. Many years ago, I was part of an emissary envoy, sent by our clan elders, to establish diplomatic relations with the New Kingdoms. It was then that my travels took me to Queen Marona’s court in Overlance, where I served as a ward and apprentice to the Queen’s royal smith, Ardyn Westmount. I later learned my warden, Ardyn, was a member of the druidic order of Runda. He must have seen a worthy successor in me as he became my mentor in the ways of blacksmithing and the secret rituals of his druidic order. My years serving in Queen Marona’s court under Ardyn gave me critical insight to learning the culture and language of the New Kingdoms as well as learning about the Runda’s history and the Fey. Sadly, one fateful day not so long ago my mentor was assassinated with most of his druidic relics and scrolls stolen. In my mentor’s coat pocket, I found an old invitation the Forest Inn for an event called the Trial of Champions that took place nearly a year ago. Seeking answers about my mentor’s murder and perhaps to continue my ongoing training, I arrived to the Forest Inn not long before you adventurers. My fellow Runda have taught me a great deal, but until I uncover the plot of our enemies, I cannot truly rest. Please come visit me in the encampment where you may see some of the weapons and armor I’ve made as well as purchase some special items that you will not find in any other smithy’s stall. I look forward to aiding you in your journeys.




Piker’s Journal