Teams and Parties
Hi Everyone! It’s great to get the 2023 season officially underway and have all of our Teams and parties organized so quickly! We had an incredible return rate this year of about 95% of prior year attendees! We can’t wait to see everyone again for another great year.
As mentioned in earlier posts, each and every year can be a challenged juggling individuals and small groups of people to make the parties work. This year was easier, but there was still some changes to party composition, so be sure to find your name and introduce yourselves to each other. Try a few gaming sessions prior to the DnDFest to know how you all can work best together. A big part of the DnDFest is making new friends, so take advantage of that early!
Without further ado….
2023 Team and Party Composition:
Check this list for the Alphabetical listing of participants
Tabatha Adamson F2
2. Luke Alleshouse F1
3. Kyle Ashworth F3
4. David Barton C1
5. Shayne Beason A1
6. Chip Bodnovich C1
7. Todd Bond A3
8. Amanda Bradley A2
9. Nathan Bradley A2
10. Rachel Buchanan D3
11. Justin Byrd E2
12. Jason Cannata D2
13. George Cline B3
14. Sean Cogan D2
15. Patrick Collins D2
16. Clayton Collison F2
17. William Comedy B2
18. Adam Easterday D3
19. Chuck Erb B3
20. Gil Even D1
21. Justin Falasca F3
22. Christian Fisher D3
23. Brett Gaydos C3
24. Matt Getz A1
25. Jamie Gooch D2
26. Hanna Griffis D3
27. BenGross A1
28. Krys Halupnik A2
29. Joshua Hashman F1
30. Tim Hawkins F1
31. Cerrah 'CJ' Hembroff A2
32. Jeff Hoyt E3
33. Robert Huber B1
34. Sebastian Huber B1
35. Kristen Hunt F1
36. Sharon Jacksack E1
37. Adam Jacoby F2
38. John Jenkins D3
39. Kyle Johnson B2
40. Skyler Johnson C2
41. Nick Jones D1
42. Shirley Kanserski B2
43. Colin Kennat C2
44. Sean Patrick Kinney D1
45. James Kovach F1
46. Anne Kravec A2
47. Eric Kreeger E3
48. Joe Krivicich D3
49. Paul Kuehn E3
50. Lea Lott A1
51. Mike Lott A1
52. Alicemarie Marquez B2
53. Ray Maskow F3
54. Evan McBroom B1
55. Caitlin Mocean F3
56. Kenneth Moore E3
57. Dina Morgan B3
58. John Morgan A3
59. Zac Morgan B3
60. Joseph Morosky E1
61. Kate Morosky E1
62. Travis Mosier C3
63. Jonathan Nicolazzo C1
64. Aaron Olmsted E3
65. Caroline Palma E1
66. Greg Peterson B3
67. Tim Peterson A3
68. Sara Petras C2
69. Alex Phalen B2
70. David Phillips C3
71. Justin Phillips E2
72. Dion Pomponio A3
73. Stephen Probst A2
74. Jim Prokop B1
75. Paul Prokop B1
76. Vincent Rath D3
77. Louis Reash E1
78. Linden Robart C1
79. Guy Royse E3
80. Justin Ruggles C2
81. Katrinka Ruggles C2
82. John Saunders F2
83. Kylynn Saunders F2
84. Jeremy Shewalter F1
85. Jeremy Sims F2
86. Chris Sisia B2
87. Mike Slawienski B3
88. Jay Smith E1
89. Zack Solomon F3
90. Matt Somers D2
91. Brice Sparks D1
92. Shannon Sparks D1
93. Matt Starcher A3
94. Shawn Tamba C2
95. Karly Tarase F3
96. Ryan Tichon A1
97. Sherrisha Tilton D1
98. Russell Weaver C3
99. Anthony Weber E2
100. Samantha Weber E2
101. Lisa Weegar C1
102. Caryn Wickersheim E2
103. Katie Willey C3
104. Ryan Willey C3
105. Faye Youngkin E2
106. Steve Zook B1
————-By Party————-
DMs: Jim Carsone, Chris Beason, Keith Cavey
Team A, Party 1: Matt Getz, Ben Gross, Lea Lott , Mike Lott , Shayne Beason, Ryan Tichon
Team A, Party 2: Amanda Bradley, Nathan Bradley, Krys Halupnik, Cerrah 'CJ' Hembroff, Anne Kravec, Stephen Probst
Team A, Party 3: Todd Bond, John Morgan, Tim Peterson, Dion Pomponio, Matt Starcher
DMs: Dave Kasper, Dan Becker, Adam Wine
Team B, Party 1: Robert Huber, Sebastian Huber, Evan McBroom, Jim Prokop, Paul Prokop, Sven Zook
Team B, Party 2: William Comedy, Kyle Johnson, Shirley Kanserski, Alicemarie Marquez, Alex Phalen, Chris Sisia
Team B, Party 3: George Cline, Chuck Erb, Dina Morgan, Zac Morgan, Caroline Palma
DMs: Ed Fife, Doug Hettich, Joe Calfo
Team C, Party 1: David Barton, Chip Bodnovich, Jonathan Nicolazzo, Linden Robart, LisaWeegar
Team C, Party 2: Skyler Johnson, Colin Kennat, Sara Petras, Justin Ruggles, Katrinka Stewart, Shawn Tamba
Team C. Party 3: Brett Gaydos, Travis Mosier, David Phillips, Russell Weaver, Katie Willey, Ryan Willey
DMs: Steve Sabo, Greg Peterson, Mike Slawienski
Team D, Party 1: Gil Even, Nick Jones, Sean Patrick Kinney, Brice Sparks, Shannon Sparks, Sherrisha Tilton
Team D, Party 2: Jason Cannata, Sean Cogan, Patrick Collins, Jamie Gooch, Matt Somers
Team D, Party 3: Rachel Buchanan, Adam Easterday, Christian Fisher, Hannah Griffis, John Jenkins, Joe Krivicich, Vincent Rath
DMs: Cheryl Clark, John Clark, Nimi Becza
Team E, Party 1: Sharon Jacksack, Joseph Morosky, Kate Morosky, Louis Reash, Jay Smith
Team E, Party 2: Justin Byrd, Justin Phillips, Anthony Weber, Samantha Weber, Caryn Wickersheim, Faye Youngkin
Team, E. Party 3: Jeff Hoyt, Eric Kreeger, Paul Kuehn, Kenneth Moore, Aaron Olmsted, Guy Royse
DMs: Tom Smith, Matt Fitzpatrick, Joe Kenderes
Team F, Party 1: Luke Alleshouse, Joshua Hashman, Tim Hawkins, Kristen Hunt, James Kovach, Jeremy Shewalter
Team F, Party 2: Tabatha Adamson, Clayton Collison, Adam Jacoby, John Saunders, Kylynn Saunders, Jeremy Sims
Team F, Party 3: Kyle Ashworth, Justin Falasca, Ray Maskow, Caitlin Mocean, Zack Solomon, Karly Tarase