The Forest Inn and the Fey Realms

Listen here, dear adventurers! ‘Tis I, your old friend Piker, and I be sharing some important news for you of yer adventures that will be in the realms of the Fey folk. I wish to share some words of what I know and of what I heard, so take some as truth and other as mere rumor and conjecture…

Ah, me dear friends, prepare yourself for a perilous journey into the mystical domain known as the Feywild. What kind of place is the Feywild, ye ask? Well, let me paint a picture for ye.

The Feywild is a realm of untamed beauty, where breathtaking wonders and fearsome creatures dwell. It's a realm of both harmony and discord, where the fey folk and all things faerie call home. But ye must tread carefully, for within this plane, ye shall find dozens of separate realms, each with its own rulers, creatures, magics, and laws.

Each realm within the Feywild is a unique mini-plane, akin to separate islands in an endless ocean. They are each separated by wild and chaotic magics that make direct travel between them near impossible. These magics, me friend, are deadly to mortals and immortals alike, so ye must exercise great caution! As I says to you already, there are dozens of Fey realms, all separate unto themselves within the sea of chaos magic. Some of these realms include:

Erellia: A land of ancient beauty ravaged by wars of competing Arch Fey. Ruined palaces, overgrown gardens, and echoes of forgotten enchantments fill this realm.

Lumindor: A realm bathed in perpetual twilight, where delicate creatures of light dance amidst floating islands. Luminescent flora and fauna create an ethereal ambiance.

Annwfn, an aquatic realm of great abundance, grand cities, and monsters of the deep.

Thornsylvan: A domain of twisted forests and thorny thickets, where prickling shadows hide mischievous fey creatures. Beware the thorns that guard secrets and treasures untold.

Frostholm: A winter wonderland of icy landscapes and crystalline caverns, ruled by an icy Arch Fey. The air here crackles with frost magic, and majestic snowflakes dance in the pale light.

Zephyria: A realm perpetually caught in a gentle breeze, where endless fields of vibrant wildflowers sway under an ever-changing sky. Whispers of ancient songs and the scent of sweet blooms fill the air.

Aerule: An enchanting realm that boasts a mesmerizing landscape of gravity-defying floating continents.

There are many others, and you are likely to experience more than one in your travels, so be prepared for lands of great differences!

Now, let's talk about two specific realms within the Feywild. First, we have Tír na nÓg, a realm once brimming with beauty, architecture, and the Great Fairy Tree. 'Twas the abode of gods, ye see. However, wild magics have taken hold of Tír na nÓg, rendering it a place of mere legend today where no folk have attended for many a century. Not much is known of it as it is the realm of the gods themselves and not a large number of even Fey were granted access to it. All bridges and crossings from Tír na nÓg to other realms were destroyed, except for the one crossing to An Trasnu'.

Ah, An Trasnu'—the realm that acts as a neutral bridge among all Feywild realms. 'Tis a place where fey beings conduct their dealings, and the Arch Fey's magical strength is not only diminished, but neutralized. An Trasnu' is the only way to travel between the realms, almost as a stepping stone realm to the other realms. Quite possibly it acts as a means to limit wars between the Fey Realms themselves. An Trasnu’ is the one realm that connects all others, even Tír na nÓg so legend has it. An Trasnu’ is a neutral realm with no leader, no Fey creatures permanently residing within, and is just a fraction of the size of the other realms. A rest stop as it may be, and a place to which the Forest Inn makes it’s own connection to the realm of the Fey. But more of that in a bit.

Now, let's delve into the Fey Courts, the grand assembly of the Arch Fey and their allies. This parliamentary meeting takes place in An Trasnu', ensuring peace and neutrality among the realms. Negotiations, alliances, and power struggles abound as the Fey maneuver and scheme to strengthen their positions.

Within the Fey Courts, various types of courts convene. The Royal Court, exclusively for the Arch Fey, addresses significant matters of the realm. Minor courts, like the Court of Seasons and the Court of Elementals, gather to handle trade, borders, minor crimes, and other bureaucratic affairs. These courts settle disputes through non-violent means such as trials of song, insults, games, and dance.

As luck would have it, the timing of your adventures and the Fey Courts are aligned, which means there are opportunities for even mortals to attend if you are invited with a Golden Ticket!

And now, we come to the grand finale—the Feystival in the Forest. This lively event marks the conclusion of the Fey Courts. Attendees, including members of the Royal Court, bureaucrats, and special ticket holders, partake in an evening of music, revelry, and non-violent duels to settle disputes and insults. It's a celebration true and true, and the Forest Inn makes its connection to the realms during this time and me wife and I are granted a ticket as the proprietors of the Inn. I’ve witness many a fun party, and this one, with it’s costumes and masks tops many of them! The only disturbing aspect of it is the creepy Fey Guardian who simply stands on his own, emanating his own strong power like cheap cologne. Even the Arch Fey shy away from him. So, if ye obtain a ticket to he Feystival’s masquerade, be sure to where a costume if ye can, at least a mask!

As ye all might have gathered already, the Forest Inn is somewhat blessed by the fey magic itself, and upon occasion, transcends the planes between the Prime Material, the Feywild, and even the Realms of Shadow. My wife Miranda and I have ‘shifted’ to the realm of An Trasnu, one of the realms of the Feywild before, but ne’r any other planes. From what we gathered of the history of our little Inn, ‘tis happened many times before, allowing the proprietors to shift into these realms with the Forest Inn, while simultaneaoulsy our humble abode resides in other planes. We canno explain it, and it tis what it tis.

So, my brave friend, as ye embark on your dangerous mission to the Feywild, be prepared for the wonders and perils that await. Navigate through the distinct realms, observe the Fey Courts and their non-violent confrontations, and revel in the Feystival in the Forest. And always remember, the lands of the Feywild have both beauty and dangers. Safe travels on your journey, and may the gods watch over ye!


Chronicles of the Undying - Campaign Summary


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