2024 Weekend Schedule

Pocket Schedule and Detailed Schedule Overview

Pocket Schedule Overview

This quick-guide ensures you're always in the right place at the right time, from the opening ceremony to the climactic final session. Here's a glimpse:

Thursday, September 5th

·        Early Arrival Festivities: 3:00PM onwards

·        Corn Roast and Live Music: 8:30PM

Friday, September 6th - DnD Fest Begins!

·        Welcome and Registration (Open Grills): 11:00AM - 1:00PM

·        Orientation: 1:00PM - 1:30PM

·        Gaming Session 1: 1:30PM - 6:30PM

·        Dinner: 6:30PM - 7:30PM

·        Mission Briefing and Strategy Session: 7:00PM-8:00PM

·        An Evening at the Forest Inn, Live Music, Costume Contest: 8:00PM - 11:00PM

Saturday, September 7th

·        Breakfast: 7:30AM - 8:30AM

·        Gaming Session 2: 9:30AM - 2:30PM

·        Break Time: 2:30PM - 4:30PM

·        Mission Briefing and Strategy Session: 3:00PM-4:00PM

·        Feast and Fellowship: 4:30PM - 5:30PM

·        Gaming Session 3: 6:00PM - 10:30PM

·        The War Council: 10:30PM - 11:30PM

Sunday, September 8th

·        Breakfast: 7:30AM - 8:30AM

·        Mission Briefing and Strategy Session: 8:00AM-9:00AM

·        Group Photo: 9:00AM

·        Final Gaming Session: 9:30AM - 2:30PM

·        Campaign Finale and Closing Thanks: 3:00PM (approximately)


Detailed Schedule

We recommend reading over this schedule a couple of times because it is packed with information!

Thursday, September 5th – Early Arrivals and Pre-Festival Festival!

Check in:  3:00PM:  Please do not arrive any earlier than around 3:00PM unless you make prior arrangements with Dan. 

8:30PM -10:00PM - Just as the sun is setting on the first evening of the DnD Fest, join us around the campfire with some of the Living NPCs and get to know your fellow comrades before the DnDFest officially begins! We will have great live music being played by Brian Bigley and the Cleveland Celtic Ensemble.  The spirits may be flowing but be responsible!

Friday, September 6th – DnD Fest Begins!

11:00AM - 1:00PM - Welcome and Registration!  During this time, we ask that you check in first and then set up your campsite.  After you set up your tent ad get settled, come back up to registration to get a copy of your character sheet and other information for the DnD Fest. 


1:00PM -1:30 PM – Orientation!  We ask ALL attendees and staff to gather at the ‘Forest Inn and Tavern’ for a very brief orientation.  We will answer any last-minute questions and provide guidance for the weekend right before you head off on your first session of “The Raven’s Labyrinth.


1:30PM-6:30PM – Gaming Session 1: Embark on your journey with the first gaming session immediately following Orientation. As adventurers, you return to the Forest Inn, a haven amidst chaos, after enduring six grueling months of war. The Raven Queen's relentless forces have left scars across the New Kingdoms, Old Kingdoms, Feywild, and even the Shadow Realm. You've faced countless battles, forged alliances with fellow warriors, and now, as you gather with your DMs and teammates, the air is thick with anticipation and resolve. Together, you prepare to stand united in the forthcoming battles, strategizing and strengthening your resolve to confront the Raven Queen's formidable onslaught. This session is where your story begins anew, amidst the echoes of past struggles and the fierce determination for victory that burns within each adventurer's heart. Important: After your party's initial engagement, select a representative to report your outcomes to the command tent in the Encampment area.


6:30PM – 7:30PM – Dinner:  A hearty Dinner will be served after the first gaming session.  (Check the menu for all meals at the end of the book for details)


7:00-8:00 – Mission Briefing and Strategy Session: Within this time-period, the appointed envoys from your team will gather at the Command Tent. Your team representatives will report to the tent and await to be called before entering.  Choose to come when you wish during this block of time. Here you will report the triumphs or trials faced by your party to the leader overseeing the campaign against the Shadow Realm. It is also at this time when each of the envoys will be tasked with choosing the next endeavor for their respective parties. No need to rush to arrive before others to get better pickings of missions.  This should only take a few minutes, so you can come at any point during this time.  Just come together with the envoys from the other parties on your team!


8:00PM – 11:00PM – An Evening at the Forest Inn: Step inside the inviting ambience of the Forest Inn for a night of enchantment and camaraderie. We're thrilled to present a live musical performance by the Grammy Award-winning talent known for his captivating contributions to The Witcher series, Brian Kaye. His bardic melodies will serenade us through tales of the Raven Queen's war, providing a mesmerizing soundtrack to our gathering.  Engage in a variety of games, where you can gamble with Festival Coins and emerge victorious with unique prizes. Our Living NPCs will be there, mingling among us, offering challenges and enriching the night's lore with their interactions.


Let the inn's ale, wine, and assortment of drinks warm you as you immerse yourself in this tavern setting, a perfect blend of fantasy and fellowship. We encourage all adventurers to delve into their wardrobes and arrive in their finest costume attire. The night will also feature our annual costume contest, a highlight for many, with details to follow. Join us for an unforgettable evening, where music, games, and storytelling intertwine under the roof of the Forest Inn.


9:30PM (approximately) – Costume Contest:  We will have our annual costume contest at approximately this time.  Be flexible!  The Costume contest details are explained in its own section.


Saturday, September 7th – Adventures Continue!

7:30AM -8:30AM – Breakfast! Come into the Tavern and get yourself a warm and filling breakfast!


9:30PM-2:30PM – Gaming Session 2: Dive back into the fray as your adventure progresses with the mission handpicked by your party's envoy. This session kicks off with a crucial briefing where the chosen representative will unveil the next quest to the group (if they haven’t done so already!), setting the stage for the unfolding saga. With the mission laid out, your party will embark on this new journey, venturing deeper into the heart of conflict and camaraderie. This chapter of your adventure is not just a continuation of your quest but a fresh endeavor shaped by collective decision-making and strategic foresight. Prepare to face new challenges, uncover hidden truths, and forge further into the unknown, all while contributing to the larger narrative of resistance against formidable foes. The path ahead is yours to explore, with each decision and action weaving into the intricate tapestry of this epic campaign.


3:00PM-4:00PM – Mission Briefing and Strategy Session: During this designated timeframe, the newly-assigned team envoys should head to the Command Tent at their convenience. There's no rush; arrive whenever suits you within this window. Envoys will briefly report their group's outcomes to the campaign leader and select their next mission. The process is quick and streamlined, with no need to compete for mission selection. Just make sure to coordinate your visit with the other envoys from your team.


2:30PM -4:30PM – Break Time!  Spend time to interact with NPCs, update character sheets, take a hike, take a nap!  Plenty to do!


4:30PM-5:30PM – Feast and Fellowship at the Tavern: As the day’s adventures draw to a close, join us in the tavern for a grand feast featuring a sumptuous pig roast, complete with all the traditional fixings, and a delightful array of vegetarian options for those who have indicated their preference. This is a prime time to relax and mingle with your fellow adventurers, recounting the day's quests and the challenges overcome.


6:00 PM - 10:30 PM – Gaming Session 3: As dusk falls over our gathering, prepare to dive back into the heart of adventure under the cloak of night. This evening session ushers in a new mission, one in which your envoy chose in this weekend-long saga. Embrace the mysteries and opportunities that await as you continue to navigate the unfolding narrative, illuminated by the soft glow of lights and lanterns.


10:30PM – 11:30PM – The War Council As the stars claim the night sky, gather in the encampment for a pivotal assembly that beckons every adventurer. This War Council is not just a meeting; it's the heart of our collective destiny, where the fabric of all realms hangs in the balance. Players, both seasoned and new, are urged to lend their voices, for the decisions made this night will echo through the ages, sculpting the future of Elladra and beyond. Under the canopy of twilight, surrounded by the flicker of torchlight, we stand united in purpose. This council is your arena to influence the course of our grand saga, to tip the scales in our favor. Let us come together, for the choices we make under the stars will steer the fate of realms in this war against the darkness.


Sunday, September 10th – Adventures Continue and Conclusion!

7:30AM -8::30AMBreakfast! Another warm breakfast to give you energy for your final day!


8:00AM-9:00AM – Mission Briefing and Strategy Session: At 8:00 AM, envoys are to collect their breakfast (if they haven’t eaten already) and proceed to the Command Tent. Given the importance of this session, all envoys are encouraged to head to the front of the breakfast line to expedite the process. Once you have your meal, please take your seat in the Command Tent. This arrangement ensures a timely start to our discussion on the final adventure. Coordinate with the other envoys from your team to ensure everyone is present for this crucial morning briefing.


9:00 AM – 9:30 AM – Group Photo: Join us on the Forest Inn balcony for a group photo, capturing the camaraderie of our gathering. This is a chance to immortalize the adventure and fellowship of the weekend, set against the picturesque backdrop of the inn. Bring your smiles and costumes for this memorable snapshot.


9:00AM - 2:30PM – Final Gaming Session: Embark on the Culmination of Our Epic Saga. As dawn breaks on the final day, you and your fellow adventurers are poised at the threshold of destiny. Selected by a party envoy, your next quest plunges you into the heart of the conflict against the Raven Queen, marking the grand finale of both our weekend together and the sprawling four-year campaign that has captivated us all – The Raven’s Labyrinth.  This pivotal session is where fates intertwine, and the outcome of the war hangs in the balance. The resolution of our shared story – how the war concludes and what futures we forge – rests squarely in your hands. The uncertainty is real; not even the DMs or NPCs can predict the ending that awaits us.  Amidst the intensity of our final adventures, a brief interlude at noon will provide a moment to gather your thoughts and refuel with a 'quick lunch break,' the duration of which your DMs will announce.  This climactic session is where every decision, every action, and every alliance come to bear on the world we've collectively brought to life. The endgame of The Raven’s Labyrinth beckons – are you ready to shape the destiny of our tale?


3:00 PM (approximately) – Campaign Finale and Closing Thanks: As the final moments of The Raven’s Labyrinth unfold, we also draw the curtain on our epic saga, “The Chronicles of the Undying.” Should your party's journey conclude before others, we kindly ask that you honor the excitement of the concluding moments of other teams by quietly stepping away from the gaming area, so others are not disrupted or learn the fate of the grand adventure. Please be respectful of others still gaming!


3:30PM:  Break Camp and Leave for home Start planning for next year!!! We always appreciate any help we can get for breaking down the equipment!!


*All times are approximate, but we will try to keep on schedule as much as possible!


2024 Players Booklet!


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