Ticket Sales

Dive Into Adventure: DND Fest 2024!

Greetings, adventurers and storytellers! Get ready to embark on our final chapter of Chronicles of the Undying! This chapter is ‘The Raven’s Labyrinth’. This will be a journey of imagination, camaraderie, and endless fun at the DND Fest, happening from September 5th-8th, with our annual Pre-Fest day on Thursday, September 5th. (We will have a corn roast and music on the 5th and give people time to get together again after a long absence!

Sign-Ups & Ticket Information:

Mark your calendars! Sign-ups begin on April 1st Don't miss your chance to be part of this year's grand adventure!

Ticket Pricing: Tickets for the entire weekend are $199 per person. Your ticket includes: all gaming activities, catered meals throughout the weekend (dinner Friday night, breakfast lunch and dinner on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday), live entertainment, and onsite camping. There are no showers/running water on site but more primitive ‘park’ restrooms.

Ordering tickets is straight-forward. When ordering tickets, please use

  • Venmo (@DnDFest)

  • PayPal (pay@dndfest.com) and remember to send payment as a friend to avoid unnecessary fees.

  1. Make sure to indicate the names of all individuals you're purchasing tickets for and their preferred TEAM (A through F). Be sure to look at which parties still have openings by checking this link: https://www.dndfest.com/news/list-by-teamparty

  2. Lets us know if you are wanting to be with specific individuals or party from the prior year (or not). Your team or party is not guaranteed to be the same as last year as DMs and players have shifted teams and we don’t know who is/is not returning.

  3. Upon completion, you will receive your team and party number, ranging from 1 to 3.

  4. We will do everything we can to place you where you want but there are many people shifting parties and teams as well

ALSO ALSO: Since some teams will fill up sooner than others, please add a second (maybe a third choice) for your team.

ALSO ALSO ALSO: We know the play-styles of people differ, drop us a note if there are specific people you would like to (or would not like to) be paired with on a party…or even a team if that is your preference. Buying together helps as we can’t hold specific team or party spots for you. Once chairs in a party team fill, they fill! Certainly we will try to adjust but might not be able to accommodate every request…we will try!

What's New This Year?

We're shaking things up with fresh faces and new experiences! This year, we're excited to introduce new Dungeon Masters (DMs) and some changes in DM teams. We encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zones and join a team you've never played with before. It's a fantastic opportunity to meet new people and enjoy new storytelling styles.

Additionally, we've updated our session rotation system. While in previous years players rotated between all DMs, this year's adventure path will depend on the choices your party makes, meaning you could potentially have the same DM for more than one session. Though unlikely, it's a thrilling possibility that adds a unique twist to your DND Fest experience!

Team Dynamics:

Each team will consist of 6 players per table. If you're accustomed to playing in smaller groups, be prepared to welcome a new companion into your midst, as we aim to fill each table to enhance the group dynamic and overall experience.

Choosing Your DM Team:

In the spirit of new adventures and friendships, we encourage you to explore the DM bios posted below. Consider choosing a DM you've never played with before to make this DND Fest your most memorable one yet.


Steven Sabo

  • Hey friends! I started playing D&D 3.5 back in 2010 with a group of friends in college. I played the game once with a few friends in the dorm next door and was hooked! A few weeks later I had a whole campaign set up for my college friends and the game lasted for several years. My goal as a dungeon master is to make sure you’re having a good time and that you and your team are interacting with the lore and discovering their place in our unique fantasy world. I love to use a combination of hand-crafted terrain and 3D elements, unique puzzles that will test your wits (or physical strength if wits isn’t your thing), and combat experiences where the stakes are high. I like to focus on building relationships with NPC’s and providing my players with multiple options to be successful, both in-session and providing opportunities for character development once the campaign is over (whether that’s a happy ending or one of self-sacrifice or defeat). Players who are comfortable with roleplaying, communicating with other players at the festival, and thinking outside the box will get the most out of my table. I look forward to seeing you at the table!

Jim Carsone

  • Greetings All! I can’t believe The Festival in the Forest is in its 8th amazing year! And I couldn’t be prouder to say that I’ve been DMing this beloved event since the very beginning (setting aside that lone, pesky, last-minute scratch in 2021 lol). If you don’t yet know me, I've been playing/running D&D since I was in 6th grade. I am now 25+ years into a professional career, so I'll let all of you do the math. And, if you’ve attended The Festival in the last few years, I’m simply the ‘DM with the TV’ lol. So, a bit about my table. I like to run a loose game...One filled with role-playing, character creativity, combat, and puzzles (my favorite!). If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that no amount of planning can prepare you for the events that unfold during a game...So flexibility and improvisation are the keys to a PC focused adventure. If you can dream it, you can try it. Just ask one of my last parties that nearly one-shotted a boss with a most creative use of a Bag of Holding! In addition to RPGs, other hobbies of mine include playing guitar in several bands, traveling, Geocaching, swimming, and fine foods (my personal favorite!). I've been married for 27 years and have 2 “kids” that have since fled the nest, so I'm hoping I'm young enough to add overseas travel to my list of hobbies. Over these last 8 years, I’ve had an absolute blast collaborating and running games at The Festival in the Forest. Truth be told, every year I strongly consider joining all of you on the other side of the screen (I mean, who WOULDN’T want to play in this event?). Be that as it may, my desire and passion to help craft the experiences we’ve all grown to love has allowed me to be suckered…errr…charmed into returning for an all new, exciting year!!! 😉

Skyler Johnson

  • Velociraptor Shaman … That is how I got into DnD. While I was initially reluctant, a persuasive friend was able to ignite my imagination by crafting a velociraptor shaman as my inaugural character to join his game. Since then, DnD has been a foundation of my ability to explore narrative creativity. However, my greatest joy in the game is seeing others passion in their characters and being able to design a world and a story to explore that imagination. I am inspired by real-life history and mythologies across all cultures to craft narratives for my players. However, this year I must mention in particular that I have been delving into the lore of Elden Ring and the Souls series to imagine the haunting landscapes and the perilous trials you will be facing. I am above all flexible, and fun is the primary intention at my table. I encourage role-play and to fully invest in your character's personality; if clever role-play bypasses an encounter I toiled over, that will ultimately be more rewarding. So join my table for silly voices, dark themes, and comradery as we delve into the Labyrinth of the shadow land and let the veil rise on this new chapter of our adventure.



Dave Kasper

  • Hello I'm Dave Kasper I have been playing DnD since the first books came out. As a gamemaster I always try and let the party make their own decisions. I am a wargamer so I like to use a lot of terrain to give the characters a 3d view of the world. I also add a lot of actual history in my adventures to give it a bit of realism in a fantasy world. I have been GM-ing for the festival for a 4years now and think this is one of the best DnD events I have attendees. I like to balance the gaming sessions comprised of combat (30%) world building (eo ,role playing (30%) with group puzzle solving (10%). For those who have played with me… To the Gods!

Dan Becker

  • I attended the Festival in the Forest for the first time four years as a player and a game master for the last three. I have played D & D on and off since the “Chainmail” days in the mid to late 1970’s. I have ran numerous Advanced Dungeon & Dragons games over the years and enjoy all types of role playing & board games. I currently play in a weekly 5th edition game and sometimes even enjoy it. If you looking for an IMMERSIVE DETAILED GAMING EXPERIENCE in the 4-5 hours we have together, you may want to look elsewhere. If you want to have fun, solve a few problems, and hopefully slay a few friends or foes, i’m your guy. You bring the beer and I'll bring the pretzels.

Alex Sturgill

  • Hello one and all I am Alex, one of your humble DMs for this years thrilling conclusion of the war against The Raven Queen. I have been playing since my early childhood starting with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. And yes I really am only in my early 30’s! I said goodbye to Thaco (if you know you know) and mistakenly skipping 3.5 and jumped right into 4th edition. Thankfully not much later 5th edition came to save the day. In previous years as a forever DM I ran many modules and older settings brought up to date and was even a DM at the very first Festival in The Forest! Over the last 2 years I have been running a home-brew world and story I started writing while I was deployed with the Army. (I am pulling a non-famous Matt Mercer) My first goal as DM is to make the table as fun to be at as possible and I will try to be diverse with my different sessions. This year however The War of The Raven Queen will require heroes of action, of daring and above all luck! Players at my table can expect some story telling, spotlights (possibly even some traveling companions) of other heroes or Gods and a fair amount of combat. It is also my goal to have a full immersive map for all my sessions and have all the trinkets and bits of a sage waiting to tell his next tale. So if you want the secrets behind The Loose Leaf Inn and Shoppe twisted by Fey magic or dive into my deepest crypt lost by time and darkness, I hope you come with moxie and sharp weapons! See you all at The Festival in The Forest 2024!



Edward Fife

  • My name is Edward and I'm a forever DM with 21 years experience playing ttrpg's. I'm from Warren, OH and I've been apart of Festival in the Forest since year one as a dungeon master. I was introduced to D&D by my older cousins when I was 13. Since I've had so many different play groups over the years my play style is very impromptu so I'm able to tailor the sessions balance of hack-N-slash vs role play on the fly. In years past my table setups have always been very simple, wet erase maps and glass beads as miniatures, but recently I've taken up terrain building so I plan to have a much more extravagant table for this campaigns finale. I look forward to seeing all the returning players and new faces for year 8 of the festival!

Doug Hettich

  • I first played D&D when I worked as a summer camp counselor in the last 90s. So, camping and D&D, like at the Festival, has always held a special place in my heart. I am a Forever DM and have been running games for the last 25 years and with every edition of D&D. I always strive to create a nice mix of story, roleplay, combat, and puzzle-solving in my games. I like playing big characters as NPCs and my sessions lean more toward the comedic. I try to be creative with my session writing. One thing I love is experimenting with the game, trying new approaches to encounters, monsters, traps, stories, etc. This either makes for some crazy and fun sessions, or some incredible catastrophes.

Joe Calfo

  • I am a second year DM at the Fest and will be continuing this year on Team C! I’ve played the game since the 80's and enjoys only the odd versions of D&D as well as BECMI. While theater of the mind and play by post are the primary ways I played through 3.5 I’ve added modelling and miniatures to my games over the past five or six years. With my children grown and abandoning him I’m seeking new and creative ways to spend my time and money. Luckily D&D, painting, and modeling are there to fill the void....



Nimi Becza

  • Hello adventurers! My name is Nimi, I am a transylvanian born master of dungeons (and dragons), here to guide you through a non-vampire* filled adventure for the conclusion of the festivals second campaign. I have been playing DnD for 12 years, mostly as the forever DM for my group of friends. To me DnD is about collaborative story telling. I enjoy seeing my players slip into their characters, engaging in the roleplaying aspect of the game. I am extremely flexible in my storytelling and my approach to the rules. That doesn't mean my games are easy, more so I encourage players to find creative solutions to the challenges presented to them. Players can expect some lore heavy mystery, the occasional slapstick comedy and a sprinkle of combative adversity. *legit no vampires, sorry!

Alex Ford

  • Hello, I’m Alex Ford. Some of you will remember me as one of the Festival NVP characters. This year I am moving to being a DM! I started playing AD&D in 1978 and ran games for more than a decade. After a life-induced hiatus, I began playing and running 5e games in 2016 and have been involved in the Festival since year 2. My DM style leans toward exploration and combat, with some puzzles and roleplaying. I often use miniatures and 3D terrain pieces to add to the session as well as physical props. I enjoy playing within the rules of the system, but I’m not a strict rules lawyer either. Creative play and storytelling will always be appreciated as I always strive to come up with interesting session plots and goals for my players. A little more about me, I live in the Cleveland area and organize monthly board game events, do several different costuming charity and community events, and nap whenever possible. If you enjoy a laid-back gaming experience with a mix of exploration, combat and roleplaying you should have a great time at my table.

Nic Roe

  • Heya, so a bit of background, I've been playing DND since 2011, and switched to being a forever DM while in college around 2014. I have been in love with the game since my first session and have been chugging out every flavor of campaign since then. I have been lucky enough to have every kind of party, from very role play oriented, to extremely combat focused, and even the occasional loot goblin run. I am a firm believer that the most important rule is to have fun and it has served me well so far. I'm a relatively laid back DM, who likes challenging players with funky environments, compelling plot twists, and for some reason impossible to solve 3rd grade dungeon puzzles haha.



Cheryl Clark

  • As a lifelong reader of mythology, folklore and fantasy, I was instantly attracted to the idea of D&D, but it was the mid 1980’s when I found my first adventuring party. Always a writer and storyteller, it didn’t take long before I was sitting in the DM’s seat more often than not. Since that time, I’ve adventured my way through multiple editions as well as other role-playing systems, thoroughly exploring possibilities in the format. While rules are important to keep us all on the same page, I see them as just a means to accomplish the real business of the game. For me, that goal is guiding my table through telling an engaging story together, and we will do that through a combination of role-playing, puzzles or mysteries and combat. Adventures I craft will have layers of rich backdrop that can be explored or ignored depending on the inclinations of the players, and there will be opportunities to choose the path that suits the table’s unique combination of characters and players.

John Clark

  • If a lot of gray hair doesn’t frighten you, and you don’t mind sharing a table with someone playing DND since the 1970s close to where the game was born, come join me! I was a teen when RPGs began to explode, and I played in many systems. I honed my DMing style over dozens of years. What is that style? In short- Player Agency. You receive an assignment (event driven), but it’s up to you to decide how you complete it-or even if you choose to ignore it! I embrace (realistic) creative attempts in combat (‘high risk’ / ‘high reward’). Combat should be dynamic and engaging with real risk of failure. But combat should be the accent in the adventure, given meaning via solid, deeper role play between characters and fleshed out NPCs. These interactions have real consequences in game. I encourage players to use tools other than spell, sword, and shield through occasional puzzles. So, join me – we’ll have a blast!

John Hartley

  • I'm John, a DM based in Columbus, OH and I've been running DnD 5e games for nearly two years now. From "Choose your own Adventure" books and Zork to board game RPGs and other video games, I've been playing some form of RPG for nearly 30 years. I've always loved telling stories, especially collaboratively, and found that DnD gave me the creative space to construct worlds within a flexible (while also rigid) ruleset, to craft memorable adventures with others. From one shots to ongoing campaigns, I keep a solid mix between the three pillars, though some sessions skew a little heavier into the social side. Combat is always an option, but some parties are craftier with their words than others! I am also one of two encounter writers at dumbestdnd.com where we have 200+ non-serious encounters and NPCs for busy DMs. I look forward to collaborating this fall!



‘Big’ Tom Smith

  • I have been gaming since my friend Jay showed up in 1981 with a thin red book and some funny looking dice and suggested we give it a try. I played an elf, because they could wear armor and cast spells and that was cool. I’ve been hooked on TTRPG ever since. Since then, I have played many systems with many different groups. I also did theatre, stand up comedy and improv comedy. I try to bring a sense of theatricality and storytelling to all of my games. I also love to improvise and see where the moment and new ideas take our stories. Most importantly, I love seeing what the characters can accomplish and what the players can do with the situations presented. Which is not to say a knock down drag out brawl isn’t also fun. I live with my wife Barb and our three cats Howard, Hilda and Buffy. I have miniatures for all three of them and all three miniatures have appeared at festival. Barb has begun playing in my Monday game, as it gives her a chance to take out her frustrations on fictional monsters and avoid being a gaming widow. I have two weekly games I play in and run for. Both have been running for over 5 years and have brought me wonderful friendships beyond the game.

Mike Slawienski

  • Hello, I’m DM Mike from Team F. I’ve only DM’d at the Festival in the Forest one year, but loved the whole experience. I’ve DM’d and played every edition of Dungeons and Dragons including Chainmail. I started playing Basic DnD in 1979 in school after my friends and myself got 2 weeks detention and we are all model citizens to this day after “DnD rehabilitation”. I’m big on Roleplaying, terrain, cosplay, props, improv and singing. And I try to bring a variety of roleplay, combat, exploration, puzzles, and improv group story building to my games. Check me out on Twitter/X where I’ve posted my ttrpg builds since 2011 (Handle is @padmeslover) I hail from West Akron, Ohio so very close to the event location. See you all this Fall 2024!

Allen Bragg

  • Hi, my name is Allen Bragg, and I am a Dungeon Master! For me, it all started in 1989, when I went to stay over at a friend's house after school. Cory and his brother Brian had asked me if I had ever played Dungeons and Dragons. At the time, I had only watched the cartoon, but I loved it. The magic the fantasy the 5 headed dragon Tiamat...all of it. After that first session, I was hooked. I would sir for hours on end drawing knights, warriors, and every fantasy creature I could imagine. A few years later, a kid in my study hall had asked my girlfriend(now my wife) and I if we wanted to play instead of studying.....duh! We didn't even hesitate. Soon after that, I got the big Encyclopedia that TSR put out (still have it). Ever since then, I have been into the fantasy genre. I raised 3 kids on D&D, often times playing theater of the mind sessions on long car trips. As far as my game play goes, having been rooted in the OG versions of the game, I do not like to be restricted to modules, I like to be creative. In my mind, D&D is an art as old as the entire human race. It is the embodiment of the time-honored tradition of storytelling. It is not just my story. However, it is a collective story of everyone around the table. Every one of us makes up the tale. I believe this is what makes the game so appealing to us. The inborn need to sit around and share a story together. Today, I take the creativity of old world game play and mix in a bit of 5e. I use the rule of cool, and every rule, even those written in handbooks, has to make sense or we don't use it. Rules for the sake of rules aren't fun nor creative. The most important factor is to have fun! I am the head engineer for our company, and as such, I own 5 3d printers, 3 lasers, and a CNC machine. You better believe I LOVE crafting terrain and props to use in my gaming! However, I still utilize theater of the mind and imagination from time to time as well. As you can see, I am a bag of mixed tricks and very diverse. I love to spin tails, craft, and create, but most of all....have loads of fun with a group of people set on having epic adventures!

Join Us!

Prepare for an unforgettable journey filled with epic battles, intricate puzzles, and heartfelt storytelling. We can't wait to see old friends and new faces at DND Fest 2024. Gear up, choose your team, and let's create lasting memories together!

Adventure Awaits!!


2024 Weekend Schedule
